Rebirth of Nanabijou
Carrara Statuario marble sculpture of the spirit of Nanabijou. 92x41x18cm. 2017. Enlargement x2 by caliper method. Indirect sculpting method.
Queen of sorrow
French Caen limestone figurative sculpture. Created using a 3D pantograph - macchinetta di punta. 92x92x36cm. 2013
Canadian Venus marble. Female torso. 35x25x25. 2007
Mora’ (original night-maere)
Belgian black marble sculpture of folklore entity, Mora’. Life size. 40x30x25cm. 2015
Repen karst marble - abstract figure, life size. Created during the 5 day Arteden festival in Lonjera, Udine Italy. 120cmx40x40cm. 2013
An open mind
French Caen limestone portrait of an equal being. Life size. 25x25x25cm. 2008
Madoc Ontario marble sculpture, life size. This sculpture is suitable for the outdoors 140x60x30cm. 2011